5PCrm A2P Registration
- Click “Register my business.”
- Click “Yes” You do want to text people in the US.
- If you are using an EIN, Click “Yes” if not Click “No”
For the purposes of this form, we are clicking NO and using the sole proprietor form.
- Complete the personal information form with your name, address etc. The “Verified Number” must be a cell phone you can reply to a one-time verification text on.
- Your “Business Name” should be your first and last name unless you use a business name as a sole proprietor.
- Use the dropdown to choose your business type. If you are using to promote your 5PC business choose professional.
- Click “Next”
- Enter your campaign use description. There are some samples on the form. Or you can use something like “Customer care: Reaching out to my customers with information about their accounts and my products.”
- Click “Next”
- Enter your sample messages. The first box will be your identification. Ex: “Hi, this is Bob with 5PC Global”
- In the second box, enter your sample message. Ex: “Hi team! Our zoom call for this evening has been moved to 6pm eastern. See you there.”
- Scroll down, leave Opt-out language as is, or you can add “or reply help for help if you want that option.
- Enter sample message 2, the Identification should be the same as in the first message.
- Second sample message needs to be different from the first. Ex: “Hi Jill, I've emailed the information about our newest products. Please look it over and let me know if you have any questions.”
- If you intend on texting links or a phone number, click the appropriate boxes on the form and click the preview button to verify your messages.
- Read over your messages and click “exit.”
- Click “Next”
- Enter the information about how people opt in. Ex: End users opt-in to receive messages from us by completing a contact information form. You can view the opt-in form here: https://crmforms.io/fbuilder/public/M.... your opt-in form url. Make sure to use the link to your active opt-in form and have the A2P opt-in information before the submit button.
- Click “Submit Information”
Your form will be processed within a couple of days. You can check the status in your CRM settings in the “Trust Center.”
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